Lord, I know I have run many times from your process because it was just too uncomfortable to bear. It hurts so much at times. I have endured so many heartbreaks, losses, failures, and even the season you have me in now has me so frantic.
But I know if I plan to grow and be used for your purpose, it is required. Sometimes, I draw away from you during the process, but I ask that you continue the good work you started in me. Plant me by the rivers of living water. Prune the dead branches and leaves. Remove the rotten roots that grew in me.
I cry right now because I know it's going to hurt.
But I hear you say, "Endure, embrace and center yourself in me. Root yourself in me. Stop looking at where others are in life and what they are doing. Fix your eyes on me and listen only to my instructions. Stop running from the process, and I will help you through it."
Thank you, Lord, for your word and your keeping power. Strengthen me, encourage me, and give me ears to listen and a heart to obey. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.